Sunrise Preschool Enrollment
Open enrollment commences in January and February of each year. Sunrise Preschool offers preferred registration to students who are currently enrolled and to their siblings. Following this, we open up remaining availability to the general public.
Registration Dates
Preferred Registration: January 15 - 31
Open Registration: Begins February 3
Preferred Registration: January 15 - 31
Open Registration: Begins February 3
We do our best to process registration and enrollment requests upon the order in which they are received. In order to register, you must file your interest via the Pre-registration Link below. Then, the opportunity for enrollment is offered via confirmation from our registrar. Following this confirmation, we will request that enrollment forms be completed via our Brightwheel system. Your child's spot in our program can only be secured once payment of the non-refundable registration fee and first month's tuition is received. Please see below for program costs.
Sunrise Preschool highly encourages parents/guardians and their child to schedule a brief tour prior to open enrollment. Please complete the online form via the 'Contact' page of our website to request a tour and/or to be added to our prospective student interest list. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
Just prior to the first day of school, Sunrise Preschool hosts an Open House for enrolled families. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and their child to get to know our teachers, ask questions, and meet other families prior to the start of the school year!
The school year commences at the beginning of September and concludes at the end of May. Sunrise follows the Bend-La Pine school district schedule as closely as possible with respect to observed holidays & weather closures.
2024-2025 Program DetailsPreschool Age ("3's Class"): Ages 3 to 4 years old Days: Tuesday / Thursday Time: 8:30am to 11:30am Total Class Enrollment: 10 Students Staff to Student Ratio: 1/5 Tuition: $260/month * We have openings available in the 3’s Class for 2024-2025! * Students must be at least 3 years of age prior to Sept. 1, 2024 and potty trained to be considered for the 2025-2026 school year. Pre-Kindergarten Age ("Pre-K Class"): Ages 4 to 5 years old Days: Monday / Wednesday / Friday Time: 8:30am to 12:00pm Total Class Enrollment: 16 Students Staff to Student Ratio: 1/8 Tuition: $350/month * We have openings available in the Pre-K Class for 2024-2025! * Students must be at least 4 years of age prior to Sept. 1, 2024 and potty trained to be considered for the 2025-2026 school year. For information regarding Immunization Rates in accordance with
Oregon's Immunization Law (Senate Bill 895), see below: ![]()